What is Digital Alchemy?

Digital Alchemy is the way we tell stories in a digital world. This digital world can be a blog, website, twitter, facebook, and/or instagram. Social media help us network with people digitally all around the world. The stories we tell through this network spreads like wild fire, because one story can spark a person to start telling another story. This whole network is magical because one story can spread inspiring others to write their own digital alchemy. This alchemy is created by the different components we use while telling our stories. One thing I can say is let the digital alchemy begin!

5 thoughts on “What is Digital Alchemy?

  1. Hi
    Thanks for the insightful reflection.
    You wrote: “The stories we tell through this network spreads like wild fire, because one story can spark a person to start telling another story.”
    I agree — that CAN happen, but mostly, it probably doesn’t, right? Lots of our stories get lost in the mix (or remix), and sometimes, like the game of Telephone, the original message becomes something else altogether, once the network gets its fingers on the original (think: memes).
    I am of the mind that this kind of narrative alchemy can be a positive thing. Then I see the headlines of the newspaper, and second-guess my optimism.
    Good luck with the class! See you on the Interwebz!

    Liked by 1 person

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